Rev. Jonathan Bunker
Leading Vacation Bible School
Rev. Jonathan Bunker & Family

Stacy Rosen, Clerk of Session/ Worship
Cathy Dickey, Christian Education
Sam Miller, Long-Range Planning
Gerald Dodson, Stewardship
Rich DiStefano, Witness
Ronna Decker, Service
Lee Ann Conover, Finance
Danny Hardesty, Property
Camilla Welsh, Fellowship
Susan Grubbs, Ushering
Pat Post, Technology/Security
Our Minister & Leadership
Our Pastor
Jonathan has served as Pastor of Berryville Presbyterian Church since February of 2001. He was born in Denver, Colorado but spent most of his childhood in Springfield, Virginia. Jonathan earned his undergraduate degree from the College of William and Mary and his Masters of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary. He was ordained in 1995 by Middle Tennessee Presbytery as Associate Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Jonathan is married to Susan, a pediatrician in private practice in Winchester, Virginia. Together they have three grown children: Caitlin, who lives in Cleveland Ohio; Emma, who lives in Winchester Virginia; and Jonathan, who is a Junior at Norwich University in Vermont. Jonathan is active in the local community participating with the Clarke County Ministerial Fellowship and as a member of the FISH Board of Directors. He has also held a variety of leadership positions in the Shenandoah Presbytery including serving as Moderator in 2011. Currently, he chairs the Presbytery's Exam Committee and is part of the Presbytery's Committee on Pastoral Transition. In his free time, Jonathan is an avid sports fan, enjoys walking, cooking, and spending time with family and friends.
Admin Assist: Dale Boyce