At Berryville Presbyterian Church we take seriously Christ?s call to love and serve those who most need to be loved and served as a living sign of God?s Kingdom breaking into the world. Through the years we have developed a variety of ministries and outreaches to serve those in the community that surrounds us as well as those who struggle around the world.
Outreach Ministies
Jesus one day told his followers a parable of judgment. He talked about the blessed faithful saying they had been the ones to feed him when he was hungry, to clothe him when naked, to comfort him when he was sick, to visit him when in prison. Then he talked about the cursed ones who failed to do these things for him. In the story both the blessed and the cursed inquired about when they either did or did not do those things. Jesus responded, "In as much as you have done it to the least of these my children, you have done it unto me."
Our Outreach includes:
- Backpack Ministry
- Soul-full Kitchen
- Clarke County Food Distribution
- 4 Cents A Meal Offering
- ICARE Program-An Ethiopian Youth Hostel where orphans are welcomed and provided for. We support 3 orphaned children
- 30-Hour Famine
- Financial Support for a variety of local ministries including FISH, Blue Ridge Hospice, Blue Ridge Community Food Bank, The Laurel Center and the Free Medical Clinic
- Financial Support of two PCUSA Missionaries serving in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
- Support and Participation in Short Term Mission Trips.
- Active partners in the mission Outreach Programs of Shenandoah Presbytery of the PCUSA
Christian Education
At Berryville Presbyterian Church, we offer a range of educational programs for children, youth, and adults.
Come join one of our groups!
Children & Youth Sunday School begins at 9:30am.
Adult Sunday School begins at 9:45am.
Women's Bible Study meets on the 4th Monday of the month in the Library at 10:00 am.
Youth Ministry
We have a very active Youth Group headed by our Pastor, Jonathan Bunker. Middle School and High School students gather to share in opportunities to relate to one another through food, fellowship, and service to the community that surrounds us. On Sunday evenings, we meet to share in a meal, play games, talk, and build relationships with one another. A variety of mission and outreach projects give us the opportunity to reach beyond ourselves seeking to make a significant difference in the world. These outreaches include participation in the 30 Hour Famine sponsored by World Vision and the congregation's Christmas Family Adoption Program. All teens are welcome to join us as we build a sense of belonging and community with one another.

Ministries & Education
SOUL-Full Community Meal
Local churches in Clarke County have come together in a
cooperative effort to provide an evening supper once a month. The meals are served on the 4th Thursday of every month at Duncan Memorial Methodist
Church. This is open to everyone in our community. The hope is to establish a place where you may come for an hour, once a month, have a meal, and be in Christian fellowship.
Freewill donations accepted.
Berryville Presbyterian Church will be providing the meal on
May 24, 2019.

Community Meal